Adult Faith Formation
DCPC offers adult study classes Sundays at 9:45 a.m., mid-week groups, mid-week Bible study, and special events throughout the year.
CLICK HERE for a current schedule of topics being discussed by each group.
If you would like more information about any of the groups, please contact Pastor John Ryan.
Spring Sunday School Classes 2025-
Sunday Mornings at 9:45 a.m.:
Room 201
For parents of children 5th grade and under. They meet weekly for fellowship, personal growth and growth as parents. Their vision statement is: parents of young children focused on faith, family and fellowship. A variety of education, fellowship and service opportunities are planned each quarter. Watch for the Friday email, Sunday Bulletin, or the Connections Face Book page for monthly topics.
House - Room B
A schedule of speakers from Davidson College, the Church and Community bring topics of interest on the Bible and more. The Covenant Class meets both in-person and via YouTube live stream. CLICK HERE to download the 2024-2025 class brochure
Room 216
Seeks to bring together Christian faith and life in the everyday world through an emphasis on strengthening “the priesthood of all believers” in particular in pursuit of social justice. The class features interactive discussion of books, articles, and topics of contemporary significance.
Room 215
Study the Uniform Series which is a 6-year plan for reading and studying the Bible, understanding its message and responding to that message by living a life of faith and love. Weekly classes are recorded and uploaded to the DCPC YouTube page.
The Pines
Davidson Room
Study the Uniform Series which is a 6-year plan for reading and studying the Bible, understanding its message and responding to that message by living a life of faith and love, with a rotation of five gifted teachers.
Midweek Opportunities:
Beloved Community
Fellowship Hall, Davidson Presbyterian Church
The Beloved Community meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month, 5:00PM. This is a joint group with Davidson Presbyterian Church. We read, pray and share issues of race, culture, economics and faith through the unity of the Spirit.
Brindisi Men's Group
Room 216
Meets weekly September - May for thoughtful and lively discussion around a book of the Bible. Tuesdays at 8:00 AM
Shalom Women's Group
The group meets weekly year round to study a variety of material for reflection and fellowship. Mondays 9:30AM
Wednesday Bible Study, Men and Women
Room 216
In depth study of various books of the Bible, or other materials. Meets weekly September - May on Wednesdays at 10:00 AM
Friday Morning Men's Group
The major aims of this group are fellowship, mutual support, and sharing in each other's faith journey through study and discussion of member-selected books on faith and faithful living. The groups meets on Fridays at 7:30 AM
Monday Night Bible Study
Off Campus
In depth study of various books of the Bible, or other materials. Meets weekly September - May on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. off campus. Contact John Ryan for more information.
Preacher's Workshop
A Bible study focused on the preaching texts for following Sunday. Meets on Mondays at 11:00 AM
Short Story Theology
Davidson Room at The Pines
Conversation about literature, life, and faith, based on a monthly short story. The class is hosted by Peter and Shawn Henry and meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM. Email Peter Henry to receive the story.
Young Adults
Off Campus
This group is open to both singles and married adults in their 20's and 30's. We gather one Monday a month for a fellowship event and the other Monday to study, talk, and reflect on a variety of topics. We meet the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 7:00 PM. Click here for the current schedule.
Short-Term Studies
Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit
Congregation House, Room C
This short-term Sunday School class will meet September 29, October 12, 20, 27 at 9:45 a.m. Join John Ryan and our pastoral staff for a companion class to DCPC's fall sermon series. We will be reading Eugenia Gamble's book "Tending the Wild Garden".
DCPC Conversations
Congregation House
Many face conversations with family and friends who have a different perspective on a topic - and we wonder how best to bridge the gap. DCPC Conversations has gathered some tips on how toapproach these converstions. May you build a deeper understanding of theirs through listening and responding.
Our next DCPC Conversation gathering is Sunday, October 6, 11:30 a.m. Our discussion topic is Bridging Divides: How Can We Reduce Polarization and Find Common Ground? Please register via Realm or contact John Ryan.
The Pines
Living Room at The Pines
Study the Uniform Series, which is a 6-year plan for reading and studying the Bible, understanding its message and responding to that message by living a life of faith and love with a rotation of five gifted teachers. Weekly classes are recorded and uploaded to the DCPV YouTube channel.
Speaking Of Our Faith
Lingle Chapel
This class meets during August to hear church membgers reflect on their faith journeys. This class will meet both in-person and via YouTube live stream.