
Our Vision for
Opening Doors
Be good stewards of our treasures
Renovate our worship spaces
Create a new entrance on Main Street​
Facilitate connections between members, the community and students​
New technology to reach outside the church walls
Reconfigure the building to create a gathering space
Carve out a library for study and meeting space
Establish and partially fund an endowment to pay the salary of a campus pastor to Davidson College students.
Support housing projects in our community​
Davidson Housing Coalition - rental support
Hope House Foundation - Transitional Housing
Habitat for Humanity, Mecklenburg County - Permanent housing
Our Progress
To Date
On May 1, 2022 we celebrated the pledging of $6,541,00 to the Opening Doors campaign.
The main sanctuary and Lingle chapel have renovated flooring, new pews, new technology, new paint.
The sound system and our live streaming technology have been updated
Digital screens have been installed and are in use in the sanctuary
Next Phase:
April 1, All rooms and offices in the main building will be vacated so renovation can begin
April 8: Sunday School will be in the Baker-Watts Building
April 9: Preschool will be in the Congregation House
October 15: Start move back into the main building
Renovate our facilities to better welcome, connect, and serve our members and the community
Renovate the main sanctuary and update video technology and sound equipment.
Renovate Lingle Chapel
Fund an endowment to support a Davidson College campus minister
Move our library to a more accessible location and provide space for small meetings.
Create a new more visible entrance on Main Street
Create a large gathering space that will welcome visitors and members.
Share our gifts with organizations that address homelessness in our area.
Gift to Hope House Foundation to provide transitional housing for homeless families.
Gift to Habitat for Humanity, Charlotte Region, for building permanent housing for homeless families.
Gift to Davidson Housing Coalition to be used for rental assistance.
Chris Ahearn, co-chair | David Houle, co-chair
Ann Browning | Rebecca Chaffin | Karen Fesperman | Jay Harris | Ed Wadsworth
Van Beck | Martin Kerr | Jane Cain | Carson Anderson | Harriett Rosebrough | Dave Malushizky