Global Missions
DCPC strives to recognize our interconnection to brothers and sisters in Christ from around the world, and to increase our understanding of the world through outreach and education. We wish to work for justice, peace, humanitarian relief, and reconciliation as called for by the Gospel. We are eager to establish personal relationships between community members across international lines as we build a personal, living bridge globally.
The Global Missions Committee fosters our relationships with our partners at the Sigona Presbyterian Church in Kikuyu, Kenya, and in the Kilambe region of Nicaragua.
In in the summer of 2023, journeys were made to Kenya and Nicaragua and in 2024, we will visit Nicaragua and our partners from Kenya will visit us in Davidson.
Locally we offer the opportunity to support refugees who have moved to our area. Currently we are working with two refugee families from Afghanistan. Click here to learn more.
We also provide financial support through benevolences to several Presbyterian and ecumenical missions.
Our committee is comprised of both adult and youth members of DCPC. We are always looking for new members to serve on this important group. If you would like to get involved, please click here to email Robert Alexander.
The Global Mission Committee at DCPC has three primary goals:
Educating the congregation about the global mission of the church in general and DCPC in particular.
Coordinating global mission activities that involve our members in hands-on mission. experiences around the world.
Contributing funds from our Global Mission budget to worthy ministries among our mission partners.
We invite you to learn about the wonderful ministries that we support.
Get involved by contacting Robert Alexander: ralexander@dcpc.org or call the church office at 704.892.5641
Your Annual and Special Gifts To DCPC Support the Following Organizations:

(NEST). N.E.S.T. is an inter-confessional Protestant Seminary serving the evangelical churches of the Middle East
News from the Near East School of Theology

Access 2 Success
Access 2 Success provides sustainable programs that generate positive change for Nigerian children and their communities.

Special Denominational
The Global Mission Committee coordinates four special denominational offerings each year. These are:
One Great Hour of Sharing (Easter)
Pentecost Offering (Pentecost)
Peace and Global Witness (World Communion Sunday – October)
Joy Offering (Christmas)
Learn more about these offerings and what they support through this link http://specialofferings.pcusa.org/.

Papa's House
Nepal Orphans Home. Papa’s House serves the poor children of Dhapasi, Nepal through four different homes.

Council of Protestant Churches of Nicaragua, CEPAD, ministers to the communities of Nicaragua through development work. Through their partnerships they help communities and individuals come together to support one another to achieve their goals and dreams through sustainable development practices.
We recently returned from an International Encounter in Nicaragua hosted by CEPAD. Click here to learn more about the Encounter and about the work of CEPAD.

Mission Coworkers
2023 news from Ian and Jhanderys
Scott and Elmarie Parker serving in Lebanon. To view a recording of our latest video call with Scott and Elmarie, CLICK HERE
2023 News from Scott and Elmarie
Chenoa Stock serving in Peru
Mark Adams and Miriam Maldonado Escobar serving at the US- Mexican border with Presbyterian Border Ministry in Agua Prieta, Mexico.
To read their latest newsletter, CLICK HERE

Jubilee House Community
Houses the Center for Development in Central America. Their goal is to work in partnership with communities and cooperatives to facilitate empowerment: enabling people to find their own solutions to the problems they identify and helping connect them with resources to solve their problems.

Active Partnerships
We also maintain two active global partnerships, one with Sigona Presbyterian Church in Kikuyu, Kenya and the other with the seven communities of Kilambe, Nicaragua. Partnership trips are scheduled regularly, and teams support the development work that is occurring in these communities while building relationships and strengthening the church of Jesus Christ. Learn more about a partnership trip by contacting Robert Alexander, Associate Pastor for Discipleship and Mission at ralexander@dcpc.org.