I'm New
Davidson College Presbyterian Church is part of the Body of Christ – worshipping, learning, serving, loving, and giving – seeking to realize God’s vision for the world. In every decision, we seek to live according to the cooperative community Jesus taught by using respect, generosity, and grace in our interactions; we seek to use inclusive methods that engage and integrate, intending a fulfilling spiritual experience for everyone; and we seek to follow the Bible as the inspired word of God, using its teachings as encouragement and example to seek and fulfill our role in God’s world.
We are a welcoming, affirming, and inclusive faith community where all are one in Christ and trust that you will find God’s presence here. Please browse our website to learn more about how we are living out God’s call for us in this time and place. We invite you to come and join us as we grow in faith and faithfulness as God’s people.
We are a PC(USA) congregation in the heart of Davidson, NC committed to being a witness for Jesus Christ on the corner of campus and the community.
Click here to download our Guest Information Brochure
For a guide on finding information about DCPC activities and events, click here

We are glad you’re here, and trust that you will find God’s presence among our community of faith. You are invited to participate in all worship, programing, and ministry opportunities of the church. If you cannot make it to church, listen to our live broadcast at 11:00 am on WDAV 89.9 FM or view our worship services on our YouTube channel.
Membership Classes are held periodically throughout the year. Classes are intended to answer questions about who we are, what we believe, and why we do what we do. At the end of the last class, those who choose to make a commitment of discipleship through this congregation will meet with the Session to be received into membership at DCPC.
If you have any questions about this process or any other aspect of becoming a member of DCPC, or would like to attend a Membership Class, please contact Stephanie C. Malushizky, our Director of Membership & Communications.
You may also call Stephanie at 704-892-5641 ext. 2212.

Bring the Family
From September through May, Faith Formation classes are offered on Sunday mornings and midweek for all ages. Youth groups for grades 6-12 meet on Sunday evenings.
Children 6 years old and older are encouraged to attend worship.
Childcare is provided for children 0-6 years old during all three services, 8:15 a.m. to Noon, Sundays
As a guest in childcare or a Sunday School program, you will register at the kiosk outside your child's classroom. Please sign in there upon each return visit.
Childcare headquarters is in the basement of the main building, Room 14. Our Childcare Staff will greet you. Please provide a labeled bag with a change of clothes, diapers, and a labeled bottle/cup. We offer nut-free snacks. Please talk to a staff member if your child has any food allergies.
DCPC follows a child protection policy mandating training, a background check, and a minimum of 2 trained staff/volunteers in each room.

What To Expect
At DCPC, there is no set dress code. Come as you are. You will see a variety of clothing styles, from suits and dresses to blue jeans and t-shirts. Anyone is welcome to participate in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. You don’t have to be Presbyterian, a member of our church, or even a baptized Christian.
At DCPC, we have communion the first Sunday of each month. The elements (bread and grape juice) usually are brought to you by communion servers as you sit in your pew. You can eat as soon as you are served. You may put your used communion cups in the holding racks directly in front of you in your pew. On occasion, we serve Communion by intinction. If this method is used, the elements will be offered in two or three places at the front of the sanctuary.
Celebrants will tear off a piece of bread (or choose a gluten-free cracker) and dip it into a cup of juice. You may eat it immediately or when you return to your seat.