Mental Health Matters
At DCPC we believe that God desires wholeness of mind, body and spirit for all of God’s children. All of us need help- from God and others- to approach that wholeness of mind. Nobody at DCPC should ever feel excluded or alienated from our community of faith because she or he or they struggle with mental health issues. Millions of people in the United States suffer from mental illness every year. Davidson College Presbyterian Church is here to help you, no matter who you are. We pray that the resources on this webpage will be part of the way you know yourself loved and cared for.

Mental Health Matters seeks to:
Expand mental health awareness, increase understanding of mental health issues, and advocate for mental health services
Reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness
Foster a more welcoming, inclusive, and supportive faith community for people living with mental health challenges
DCPC Offers Help:
DCPC is committed to supporting one another at all times.
Stephen Ministers offer emotional support and a loving listening ear. Click Here to learn more.
The Bereavement Support Group offers comfort and support for those grieving the loss of a loved one. Call the church office at 704.892.5641 and ask to be connected to this group.
Our pastoral staff members have all received training in pastoral counselling and at least one of the staff members is on call at all times. Call 704.892.5641 to reach a staff member.