Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women actively engage in the life of the church through prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and supporting community and worldwide missions.
There are many who believe that the future of the church is built on small groups studying and worshiping together. Circles are small groups of women who meet monthly for fellowship, and Bible or book study. Membership is open to all church members. Six groups are presently in place to provide fellowship, Christian growth, and outreach, meeting September through May of each year.
To learn more about attending a group, contact either Charlotte Griffith, chargriff62@gmail.com, (Moderator of Presbyterian Women) or the contact listed with each group.
Morning Small Groups:
Circle 3/ Faithful Friends: Meets 10:00 a.m. in The Pines living room, 1st Tuesday of the month. Contact Phoebe Caldwell doug31.7581@gmail.com or Marjorie Burris, burrisme@bellsouth.net. This long-standing group welcomes new members to join them as they explore the Horizons Bible study, "Sacred Encounters- The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts". While many members are resident of the Pines, non-residents attend and are very welcome.
Circle 4/ Fresh Horizon’s Group: Meets 10:30 a.m. in The Pines Marshall Room, 1st Tuesday of the month. Contact Kathy McManus, katharine6345@gmail.com. This group is another option for meeting during the day at The Pines. They are also studying the Horizon study, "Sacred Encounters". Many are Pines residents, but all are welcome.
Circle 5/Journey Group: Meets 9:30 a.m., 2nd Thursday of the month. This group has been meeting at the home of Charlotte Griffith. They are inter-generational and are studying Adam Hamilton's "The Walk". All are welcome. Contact: Charlotte Griffith, chargriff62@gmail.com.
Circle 8/ Faith Explorations: Meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at 10:00 a.m. at DCPC in the Youth Lounge in the Congregation House. This group is studying Adam Hamilton's "The Walk". While study is important, faithful friendships and fellowship are also very important. Many members have kids who are in college or beyond, but they are intergenerational as well. All are welcome. Linda Griffeth, lindagriffeth@gmail.com is the contact.
Evening Small Groups:
Circle 2: Meets the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in members' homes. A longstanding circle at DCPC with a variety of ages and talents. Circle #2 is dynamic and welcoming. They are using the Horizon study, "Sacred Encounters". They warmly welcome new visitors. For more information contact Allyson Ray allysonray@att.net or Brenda Barger hbbarger@gmail.com
Circle 7/ Circle of Faith: Meets the first Thursday night of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the DCPC Parlor. This group strives to follow the Presbyterian Women's purpose as they nurture one another’s faith and remember each other in prayer. They are studying "A Year of Biblical Womanhood" by Rachel Held Evans. Community Missions is especially important to this group, and they plan on doing several projects throughout the year and focusing on the fellowship of their members. All are warmly welcome. Contact: Beth Succop, bgsuccop@bellsouth.net or Gerry Mackenzie, gerrymackenzie@gmail.com