Senior Adults
Growing, Engaging, & Serving
And for those who find themselves at a stage of life where they are not able to be as active as they once were? We strive to let them know they are not forgotten, as we encourage and support them with personal visitation, greeting cards, and phone calls.
If you are age 60 or over, please consider attending our next group activity – we’d love to have you join us and we promise you will be welcomed! News of our events can be found in the DCPC Sunday bulletin and/or the weekly newsletter and we also send postcard invitations to the luncheons that take place seven times a year. If you are not already on the mailing list but you would like to have your name added, please notify the church office at 704-892-5641.

Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
SAGES tailgate before a Davidson game
SAGES is a ministry of Davidson College Presbyterian Church for adults over the age of 60. We seek to nurture our senior adults, from those who are very active to those who may be homebound, and everyone in between! It is our desire to facilitate connections throughout every stage of life and to engage our senior adults in the covenant community of Jesus Christ.
We strive to meet the spiritual, physical, and social needs of senior adults through prayer, service, education, and worship. In keeping with this vision, we host regular gatherings that include luncheons with guest speakers and field trips to interesting locations. These activities are designed to keep our active adults active through a ministry of fellowship and fun, while also providing opportunities for learning and growth. We are asking God to connect us to each other with the knowledge that we’re never too young or too old to grow “with a growth that is from God” (Colossians 2:19).