When each of us joined Davidson College Presbyterian Church (DCPC), we made the following commitment to God and to the congregation:
“Do you promise to be a faithful member of this congregation, to share in its worship and ministry, through your prayers and gifts, your study and service, and so fulfill your calling to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Do you?”
How each of us responds to this pledge is a matter of individual choice. At DCPC, we believe that a major aspect of our journey to become Christian disciples is being a trustworthy manager of the resources God has given us: time, talent, and treasure.
GIFTS: Treasure is as important to DCPC’s mission as Time and Talent. Without the gifts of money, DCPC could not support any of its programs, which have a significant impact on people’s lives, such as:
Christian Education of our members, their children, and the community
Worship through the spoken word, prayer and music
Care for members and non-members in crisis
Support for the homeless, the abused, and those in need
Ministry to Davidson College students
Overseas missions to fund education, potable water, and other such basic necessities of life.
Care for our facilities which house both DCPC and community programs
And many other important ministries
We ask that gifts be made by our congregation through the commitment of an annual financial pledge to the church. While this can be done at any time, it is normally done as part of our annual Fall Stewardship Drive. Pledge cards are available through the church office. Each January, our finance department will send you a year-end Statement of Giving for your records.
Questions about donating or pledging, please contact Harriett Rosebrough or Trish Jones at 704.892.5641.